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st: RE: strings hnadling

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: strings hnadling
Date   Tue, 7 Feb 2006 22:27:28 -0600

In your example, isn't the number of semicolons: 2, 2, 0, 0 ?

Or, do you mean something like this?

forv i = 1/4 {
   qui gen gr`i' = .
levelsof id, local(levels)
foreach l of loca levels {
   local i = 1
   foreach v of varlist grp* {
     qui split `v' if id == `l', p(;) gen(_split)
     qui replace gr`i' = `=r(nvars)' if id == `l'
     drop _split*
     local ++i

For example:

. l, noobs

  | id    grp1         grp2   grp3          grp4 |
  |  1   2;3;4      10;99;2     01   11;2;25;2;3 |
  |  2     2;3   10;99;2;44     01     11;2;25;2 |

. forv i = 1/4 {
  2. qui gen gr`i' = .
  3. }

. levelsof id, local(levels)
1 2

. foreach l of loca levels {
  2. local i = 1
  3. foreach v of varlist grp* {
  4.         qui split `v' if id == `l', p(;) gen(_split)
  5.         qui replace gr`i' = `=r(nvars)' if id == `l'
  6.         drop _split*
  7.         local ++i
  8.         }
  9.         }

. l,noobs

  | id    grp1         grp2   grp3          grp4   gr1   gr2   gr3   gr4 |
  |  1   2;3;4      10;99;2     01   11;2;25;2;3     3     3     1     5 |
  |  2     2;3   10;99;2;44     01     11;2;25;2     2     4     1     4 |

Hope this helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Alexander Nervedi
> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 7:04 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: strings hnadling
> Hi List users,
> I have data which has been entered awkwardly.
> Instead of taking each a seperate variable for each item - all items of a
> category are entered together in a variable.
> ID      Grp1     Grp2       Grp3   Grp4
> 001   2;3;4    10;99;2    01     11,2,25,2,3
> I'd like to convert this to a dataset that looks like
> ID      Grp1     Grp2       Grp3   Grp4
> 001    3          3            1        5
> i.e. the count of the number of semi-colons within each variable.  I am
> sure
> there is a neat way of doing this but I am missing it. So i thought i'd
> write in and ask for u r help.
> thanks
> Alnerdy

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