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st: create a vector from observations

From   "Rajesh Tharyan" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: create a vector from observations
Date   Wed, 8 Feb 2006 02:11:51 -0000


I have a data set of companies and sales for each of the 12 months of the

The dataset looks like this

Co�� �month �������sales
1��������� 1��������� 100
1��������� 2��������� 50
1��������� 3��������� 200
1��������� 4��������� 15

I take the mean of the sales in the first two months (only for the first two
months) and generate a variable X �
Which is the difference between this mean sales and the actual sales for
each month after the second month. 

The final data set should look like this.

Co�� �month ������sales�� meansales����� X
1��������� 1����� 100���������� 75������� .
1��������� 2������50������ ���� 75������� .
1��������� 3����� 200����� ���� 75�������125
1��������� 4������15������� ��� 75��������-60

1. Is there a simple way to do this???

2. Instead of creating a variable meansales can I store the value as a
scalar say "m"and proceed with the calculation as gen X=sales-m if month>2?

3. Also Suppose I had several companies would I be able to create a vector
of these means and use that vector to generate the values of X for each
month>2 for each company?

Any help appreciated...
Thanks in advance

Rajesh Tharyan

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