I tried contacting the creator of the rmttest command but his email
address doesn't work.
Below is the message I would like to send to John R. Gleason at
Syracuse university - but perhaps someone else can help me out here? (or
provide me with his current email address)
I have a matched case-control dataset with up to 5 controls per case.
I would like to know whether there is a difference between cases and
matched controls for the continuous variable <duration>.
From the examples in the help-file it appears that the rmttest should
be used when testing repeated measures within the same person.
Is it appropriate to use rmttest to answer the above question?
If so, I am wondering whether I am testing
1) if the mean <duration> of all matched (up to 5) controls is equal to
the single value of the matched case
2) if each control has the same duration as the matched case; i.e. each
case is tested up to 5 times
The do file would look like this:
*** outcome variable: "disease" (0=control, 1=case), there are N=1220
cases and N=4723 controls.
*** exposure variable: "duration" (continuous)
*** matching variable: "matchvar" (numerical)
rmttest duration, by(disease 0 1) id(matchvar)
Thanks in advance for your help,
Marieke Schoonen