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Re: st: how to generate Stata dct file

From   Steven Dubnoff <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: how to generate Stata dct file
Date   Thu, 02 Feb 2006 18:49:36 -0800

I'm trying to export my dataset using the outfile command.

outfile using filename.txt, wide  noquote nolabel  replace

However, don't seem to find a way to generate a dictionary (in a separate
file) to follow this dataset.
If you have Stat/Transfer, the output format "Stata Program + ASCII Data" will give you what you need (a do file, a .dct file and your data in the narrowest form). It will also export your value and variable labels.



Steven Dubnoff [email protected]
Circle Systems We make your data instantly usable.
Download Stat/Transfer from
1001 Fourth Avenue, #3200 (206) 682-3783
Seattle, WA 98154 Fax (206) 328-4788

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