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Re: st: Question on -Areg- command
Many thanks
[email protected] wrote:
-areg- was updated 17jun2005
"1. areg failed when attempting to fit a constant-only model. This
has been fixed."
Is your Stata up to date? Try -update query-
-areg- without any RHS variables works fine for me:
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. areg mpg ,ab(rep)
Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs
= 69
F( 0, 64)
= .
Prob > F =
= 0.2348
Adj R-squared
= 0.1869
Root MSE
= 5.2897
mpg | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf.
_cons | 21.28986 .6368064 33.43 0.000 20.01769
rep78 | F(4, 64) = 4.909 0.002 (5
----- Original Message -----
From: lena Lindahl <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:13 am
Subject: st: Question on -Areg- command
I have a question on the -Areg- command.
In the STATA manual it is used in the following example:
areg mpg gratio, absorb(rep78).
I would like to run a regression with a very large amount of dummy
Using the example, I would like to run the regression without the
hand side variable, gratio, and so only estimate the effect of the
absorbed dummy variables represented by rep78. (I am only
interested in
the adj R2 value.) But it is not possible to leave out variable
the error message states "varlist required".
Anyone who has an idea?
All the best/
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