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st: Outliers in correlation analysis

From   "Siddharth Kharkar" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Outliers in correlation analysis
Date   Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:12:38 -0500

I have a very simple question.... I am trying to correlate two things using
pearsons correlation, the results are non-significant due to one particular
outlier (total number of observations = 36). If I exclude this outlier,
there is a strong correlation between the other 35 patients (and this result
makes biological sense)

I checked if there were any biological reasons why this outlier should be
excluded, there are none.

These are cognitive tests, and it is possible that the outlier possibly was
distracted and was not able to perform well.

How should I deal with the problem? Are there any defined criteria for
dealing with outliers in correlational analysis and if possible, is there a
reference I can quote?

Thanks, and a very happy new year,

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