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Re: st: mata: evaluating strings and functions as arguments?

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: mata: evaluating strings and functions as arguments?
Date   Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:27:24 -0600

Matissa Hollister <[email protected]> asked two Mata questions:

>   1) is there a way to get mata to evaluate the content of a string scalar,
>      e.g.:
>      if I type:  b="4+5"
>      then I later type: b
>      it returns 4+5
>      is there a way that I can get it to evaluate b, i.e.  return 9?

We need to write a function.  Let's write 

       real scalar expandit(string scalar s)

that given a string (such as "4+5") returns the numeric evaluation (say 9):

        real scalar expandit(string scalar s)
                stata("scalar XYZZY = " + s)

Do you see what I did.  Pretend x contained "4+5".  I passed the string 
"scalar XYZZY = 4+5" to Stata for execution, and then returned the value 
of the numeric scalar.  

With my new function -expandit()-, I can do exactly what Matisa wants, I 
merely code -expandit(b)-.  

The function could be improved.  As it stands right now, it uses a fixed 
name for the scalar, although an unlikely one, and it leaves the scalar 
behind.  The improved verison of expandit() would read

        real scalar expandit(string scalar s)
                string scalar    tname
                real scalar      result

                tname = st_tempname()
                stata("scalar " + tname + " = " + s)
                result = st_numscalar(tname)

                stata("scalar drop " + tname)


Matissa's second question was 

>   2) Is there an easy way to have a function be an argument for another
>      function?  Basically, I'd like to define a function that allows for
>      different methods for calculating a value, so I'd like to be able to
>      specify as an argument for the function which calculation function to
>      use.  

Type -help [m2] ftof- for the complete answer.
You can pass functions to functions by coding an & in front of the function 

          myfunc(.., &mysub(), ...)

and then, inside the receiving function, you can execute it by including a *
in front of the name with which it was received:

         function myfunc(..., f, ...)
                 x = (*f)(argments)

-- Bill
[email protected]
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