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Re: st: Macro substitution in Mata

From   Partha Deb <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Macro substitution in Mata
Date   Mon, 26 Dec 2005 11:50:38 -0500


Thanks to Bill and Kit for their suggestions. I (he :) ) have been learning about pointers, but have realized I have a bigger issue. I needed some form of a loop, I thought, because I'm trying to write an ML routine for which the number of equations is a function of the data (e.g., mlogit) and for which the lf and gradients are calculated in Mata. Below is a description of how the code is structured. TIA for your help.

e.g. (with dimension=2)

program mmlogit_lf
version 9
args todo b lnf g negH g1 g2

mata: mmlogit_lf("`lnL'","`g1'","`g2'",...)


function mmlogit_lf(string scalar lnL, string scalar g1, string scalar g2, ... )
code for the lf - vector vlnL
code for g's - matrix vg with gradients in columns

gnames = (g1, g2)
st_store(., lnL, vlnL)
st_store(., gnames, vg)


This code works fine for the dimension=2 case (or any other dimension that I specify in advance). I have also written a macro so that the "g1 g2" in the args statement is generalized. I am not sure one can specify the arguments of the mata function and the call to the mata function using macros. If one can, I'm having trouble doing it. If not, how can I return the required objects?

--On Monday, December 26, 2005 8:31 AM -0600 "William Gould, Stata" <[email protected]> wrote:

Partha Deb <[email protected]> writes,

I'm trying to create a number of matrices in Mata ordered, e.g., x1, x2,
..., x7.  I'd like to set up a loop to create these.  If these were
Stata  objects, I could do them quite easily, e.g., I might write
something like

       forvalues i=1/7 {
       	gen x`i' = `i'

but I can't seem to figure out how to do something similar within Mata.
Exactly right.  My first recommendation is to use subroutines and
simply call seven times:


If Partha is absolutely determined to work in a loop, then she is going
to  have to learn about pointers.  The setup would be

         p = J(7, 1, NULL)
         p[1] = &x1
         p[2] = &x2
         p[7] = &x7

and then Partha could code things like

         for (i=1; i<=7; i++) {


         for (i=1; i<=7; i++) {
                 *p[i] = J(4,4,0)
                 for (j=1; j<=4; j++) (*p[i])[j] = 1

In terms of initialization of p[], unless it was important to be able to
refer to them by the names x1, x2, ..., x7, one could simply the setup to

         p = J(7, 1, NULL)
         for (i=1; i<=7; i++) p[i] = &J(0,0,.)

There are some problems for which pointers are wonderful solutions.  In a
problem like this one, however, my guess is that pointers are not worth
the effort.

-- Bill
[email protected]
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Partha Deb				ph:  (212) 772-5435
Department of Economics		fax: (212) 772-5398
Hunter College

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