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st: Re: need stata 8 manuals

From   "Michael Blasnik" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: need stata 8 manuals
Date   Tue, 20 Dec 2005 08:22:26 -0500

I have a full set of Stata 8 manuals that I would send if you reimburse for shipping charges (from US). Please email me off-list to make arrangements if interested.

Michael Blasnik

----- Original Message ----- From: "M. Haider Hussain" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:34 AM
Subject: st: need stata 8 manuals

Dear users

(not sure whether I can post such a question here or not)

I need stata 8 manuals (3 base reference manuals and a programing
manual at least). So far, I'm unable to find them in the libraries
here in Pakistan. As far as purchase is concerned, the total cost
(without shipping charges) of these materials equals almost 70% of my
monthly earnings as per current exchange rate. Can anyone suggest some
alternatives? I'd be grateful.

Thank you very much

Haider Hussain
Karachi, Pakistan.
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