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Re: st: meta command and _result( )

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: meta command and _result( )
Date   Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:17:24 -0000

The values in _result() are of little use as they're just the results from the last -summarize- command that happened inside -meta- (which happens to be summarizing the random-effects weights).

The results from -meta- are stored in the global macros S_1 to S_15. -meta- was written under Stata version 5 and this was a common way to save results then. They are documented in Stata Technical Bulletin 38 (7/97 pp.9--14; STB Reprints Vol 7, pp.100--106). However if you type -macro list- after your -meta- command then it's fairly straightforward to work out what's what by comparing the outputs of the two. The random-effects estimate and its standard error are in S_7 and S_8.

Hope that helps,

--On 16 December 2005 11:14 +0000 Joanna Carrington <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Stata users,

I'm using the meta command and would like to obtain some of the numbers
given in the output.  A colleague has discovered that some numbers can be
displayed using

di _result( )

I have managed to get an output for numbers (in the brackets) from 1-6.
Could anyone explain what these are, how this numbering system works and
if there are any other possible numbers I can obtain please?  Essentially
I would like the random effects estimate and it's standard error but am
curious about any other numbers I can obtain.

Thank you for your help,

Joanna Carrington

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