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st: -replace- suggestions?

From   "Terra Curtis" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -replace- suggestions?
Date   Wed, 14 Dec 2005 15:23:26 -0500

Dear Statalist,

I am working with a panel dataset of companies.  Company names consist of
one company, A for example, or two companies, A/B for example, when A and B
have entered into an agreement.  An example of this data looks like:

Coname	year		othervars...
------	----		---------
A		1990			.
A		1991			.	
A		1992			.
A/B		1989			.
A/B		1990			.
A/B		1991			.

What I would like to do is to replace coname="A" if coname=="A/B" AND (this
is the part I need help coding) company A also has data for that year.  So
in the above example, the end result after the replace would be:

Coname	year		othervars...
------	----		---------
A		1990			.
A		1991			.	
A		1992			.
A/B		1989			.
A		1990			.
A		1991			.

Does anyone see how to achieve this?  I think it amounts to having the if
clause refer to other observation lines (namely, the lines with
coname=="A"). Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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