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st: query on sureg

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: query on sureg
Date   Wed, 14 Dec 2005 09:32:19 -0500

Badri writes

I'm trying to estimate Almost Ideal Demand Systems using sureg. For
this I impose a few constraints to be in consistent with the theory.
Despite all my efforts to ensure that there is no redundancy, stata
shows: redundant or inconsistent constraints! If it's just redundant,
I can re-check the constraints and eliminate it. But I've already done
that. So, is this because my dataset does'nt probably obey these
constraints, making them inconsistent? In this case, how can I proceed
further? Is there any other way of tackling this problem, by testing
for consistency and redundancy of constraints?

Any demand system is a textbook example of a set of linear equations which will yield a singular covariance matrix of the errors due to adding-up conditions. If you have N goods in your demand system, are you trying to estimate all N equations? That will not work in sureg, since the "Zellner step" requires that the covariance matrix of errors have full rank.

See Greene's econometrics text for more detail on this issue.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

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