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RE: st: Mlogit with constraints

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Mlogit with constraints
Date   Mon, 12 Dec 2005 11:30:20 -0500

At 05:04 AM 12/12/2005, Maarten Buis wrote:

Just because you prefer one set of coefficients, doesn't mean that that is the best way of describing the relationship. By constraining all parameters (including the constant) to be the same you have, in essence, done a single logit of categories 2 till 5 against category 1, which is a severe constraint which needs to be justified. Deciding whether this constraint is justified is what we do when testing constraints. So doing a log likelihood ratio test of the unconstrained model and the constrained model (-help lrtest-) seems in order before reporting the constrained model.

Note that if you constrain all the parameters (including the constant) to be the same than the probabilities of group membership for an average individual will also be the same for all groups. A more sensible constraint would be to let the constant be different across groups and constrain the effect of time to be the same across groups.
I agree with Maarten. Also, one thing I find peculiar here is that the equality constraint on the constants isn't working, i.e. the constant in the first 3 equations is 0 while in the last it is non-zero. I would have expected a non-zero and identical value for the constant in all 4 equations. I am not sure why this is but in any event I don't think you would want the constants constrained to be equal anyway.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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