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Re: st: Generating unique admission id

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Generating unique admission id
Date   Fri, 09 Dec 2005 09:34:42 -0600

Bellinda Kallimanis <[email protected]> writes in with a
data-management question:

> I have a large data set (panel format) and I am trying to calculate length
> of stay for each individual.  The thing is many individuals come in (adm
> asses) and stay then leave (disch) then come back. But to complicate it
> more, some people leave with anticipated return (dis_ret) then come back
> (reentry) and some people are admitted and have follow up but have not been
> discharged.  What I would like to do is create a variable that has LOS for
> each separate admission. Below is a sample of my data
>  resident   target              aa8a         LOS (which I want to
>  ------------------------------------------------    create)
>         1   30sep2001           adm asses      0
>         1   10oct2001           disch         10
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         1   18nov2002           adm asses      0
>         1   22nov2002           disch          4
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         1   18jul2004           adm asses      0
>         1   28jul2004           disch         10
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         2   07may2003           adm asses      0
>         2   20jul2003        quart review     74
>         2   12oct2003        quart review    158
>         2   04jan2004        quart review    242
>         2   28mar2004           ann asses    326
>         2   20jun2004        quart review    410
>         2   12sep2004        quart review    494
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         3   15oct2000           adm asses      0
>         3   23oct2000           dis_ret        8
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         3   25oct2000           reentry        0
>         3   22nov2000           disch         28
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         4   17oct2000           adm asses      0
>         4   01nov2000           disch         15
>  ------------------------------------------------
>         5   15oct2000           adm asses      0
>         5   22nov2000           disch         38
>  ------------------------------------------------
> I created a flag for any type of discharge and I think if I create a unique
> id for each admission that I would be able to calculate the LOS.  I'm just
> not sure how to get this admission id [...]

In the above listing of the data, I added the dividing lines between
admissions and discharges just so I could better see the problem.

Bellinda is exactly right when she says "I think if I create a unique id for
each addmission that I would be able to calculate the LOS".  I also very much
like that Belinda created a flag variable for any type of discharge.
Now let's do the same thing for any type of admission:

        . gen byte isadmit = (aa8a == "adm asses")

With that, we can create the unique admission id that Bellinda wants:

        . sort resident target 
	. by resident: gen admission = sum(isadmit)

To see how this works, look at just a little bit of Bellinda's data.  This
time, I'll put the dividing lines (which are meaningless except that they help
to guide the eye) between the resident ids:

   resident   target              aa8a        isadmit     admission
          1   30sep2001           adm asses         1             1
          1   10oct2001           disch             0             1
          1   18nov2002           adm asses         1             2
          1   22nov2002           disch             0             2
          1   18jul2004           adm asses         1             3
          1   28jul2004           disch             0             3
          2   07may2003           adm asses         1             1
          2   20jul2003        quart review         0             1
          2   12oct2003        quart review         0             1
          2   04jan2004        quart review         0             1
          2   28mar2004           ann asses         0             1
          2   20jun2004        quart review         0             1
          2   12sep2004        quart review         0             1
          3   15oct2000           adm asses         1             1

The trick to create any kind of id variable is 

      1.  Create a variable that is 1 at the start of each group and 
          0 elsewhere.

      2.  Sum it.

With new variable admission in hand, we can create the LOS:

        . sort resident admission target
        . by resident admission:  gen los = target - target[1]

-- Bill
[email protected]
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