Dear Statalisters,
I have a data set which is sorted by nr (person identification number) and
I want to create a variable for the time average of a "married" which is a
time-varying dummy variable(taking a value of either zero or one).
I have tried for instance:
sort nr, year
tsset nr, year
gen x=.
by nr year: replace
The point is that I want to have the resulting average value NOT to be time
variant for each individual e.g: if say marital status is taking a value of
one for 4 years and zero for the remaining 4 years for a given individual I
want the resulting variable to take a value of 1/2 for each year for the
given individual.
I have tried many alternative specifications and although this seems fairly
easy in practice it turns out to be rather tricky.
Would be most grateful if someone could help!
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