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st: new version: rfl 3.6 (an enhanced recent files list for Stata) up on SSC

From   Dankwart Plattner <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: new version: rfl 3.6 (an enhanced recent files list for Stata) up on SSC
Date   Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:35:31 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, version 3.6 of -rfl- is now available from the SSC

The changes in the new version are listed below, followed by
installation instructions. For those who don't know about -rfl-, a
general description is to be found at the bottom of this announcement, where
I also have added a comparison between Stata's version 9 built-in recent files
list and rfl, originally made for my personal use in order to determine
whether it was still worth to further improve rfl.

- New: The file name extension and file type of new log files (first choice in the log
  file section of rfl's dialog window) is now chosen according to
  -set logtype-: If set logtype is set to smcl, the log file type and the file
  name extension will be smcl, and if set logtype is set to text, the log file
  type will be text, and the file name extension log. Also see -help log-.
  (The cmdlog file name extension remains txt. If you would like
  a file to have a different extension, you may use the "Other log file"

- (Clarification:) As per version 9.1, Stata allows multiple log files. rfl
  can only refer to the first log file, the one which you open by
  typing -log using- without specifying the name option. See -help log-.

- Bug fix: In the dialog window that pops up if you open a file from
  rfl's menu and data were in memory or a log file was open, the name of the
  log file to be opened would not always be displayed. Fixed.

Bug reports, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Dankwart Plattner

Type -ssc describe rfl- for a package description or -ssc install
rfl- to install. To update, type -ssc install rfl.pkg, replace-.
Make sure you have a valid reference to a PERSONAL directory (see help sysdir).
If you update from version 3.3 or lower, it may be advisable to first
uninstall the old version, because I've reduced the
number of files contained in the package.
After installation of the new version, you must type -discard-
in the command window if you've invoked -rfl-, -rfluse-, or
-rflsetmenu-, or if you've opened a dataset from -rfl-'s menu,
in the same Stata session during which you installed the update.

General description:
rfl is an enhanced Most Recently Used Files List allowing the user to open a
dataset from a list of previously opened datasets. Every file opened with rfl
is added to a list of recently used files and may be accessed via rfl's dialog
window or Stata's User menu (in Stata 9, also via Stata's Open Recent menu).
In addition, the user can set the memory allocated to Stata (in fact, rfl
automatically determines the amount of memory needed to open the dataset),
attach a short description to each dataset loaded, and open appropriate log
and cmdlog files, all in one step.
If data are present in memory at the time rfl is called, the user is prompted
to save and close open files from within rfl's dialog.
rfl supports file names of any length, even in Stata's non-SE
Intercooled. Stata 8.2 or 9 is required. rfl does not run with Small Stata.
Version 3.6 runs on all platforms.

Comparison between rfl 3.6 and Stata's built-in Recent files list:

rfl                                    Stata's (version 9) built-in Recent files list
* Adds datasets loaded by rfl to       * Places datasets loaded by the command
  Stata's (version 9 only) and rfl's     use or saved by the command save into
  recent files list                      the recent files list
* Lists up to 30 datasets in menu,     * Lists up to 20 datasets in menu
  no limit in dialog
* Menu shows abbreviated file names    * Menu shows file names in full
* Optional short description for each  * -
* List ordered in 3 different views:   * List ordered from the most recently
  from the most recently used dataset    used datasets to the least recently
  to the least recently used dataset,    used dataset.
  alphabetically by file names, al-
  phabetically by descriptions
* Menu items are ordered from the      * Menu items are always ordered from the
  most recently used dataset to the      most recently used dataset to the
  least recently used dataset only       least recently used dataset
  if rfl's appropriate option is
* The list's entries may be            * Moved or renamed files are
  (re-)pointed to moved or renamed       automatically deleted from the list
  datasets, or deleted
* Memory required to load dataset is   * User has to set the memory required
  automatically determined and set       himself before loading dataset
  by rfl, within user-defined range
* With unchanged data in memory,       * With unchanged data are in memory, the
  rfl clears the memory. With changed    memory is cleared. With changed data
  data in memory, rfl offers to          in memory, dataset is not loaded
  save the data before loading dataset
* User-specified log files may be      * -
  opened together with the dataset,
  either via rfl's dialog or via
  rfl's menu
* Controls only one log file (and one  * Controls up to 5 log files (and cmdlog
  cmdlog file)                           files)
* Log file name extension set          * Log file name extension very flexible
  according to the set logtype setting
* If an existing cmdlog file is loaded	* -
  with the append option, recent
  commands may be placed into the
  review window
* Optional backup copies of log files  * -
  before overwriting

Package contents:
The package consists of the following files:
rfldef.idlg (different for Win/Mac)

The Win version of the *.idlg file works on Unix platforms, too.

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