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Re: st: Reading very complex raw data files

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Reading very complex raw data files
Date   Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:35:58 +0900

Michael Conti wrote:

an additional advantage of SAS is that in can read-in from and output
data to multiple excel worksheets within an xls file


This readily is doable with Stata, too; see below.  Note the limitations (in
Excel) as pointed out in ,
but SAS has its own foibles as far as reading from and writing to Excel
workbooks, whether via base procedures, DDE, SAS/Access or ODS, as SAS user
group proceedings testify.

It seems that statistical software publishers such as SAS Institute and
StataCorp feel obliged to offer some way for their software packages and
Excel to interact, to exchange data.  This reflects the popularity of the
leading brand of spreadsheet package in settings where statistical software
packages are also used.  But with the availability of software like
Stat/Transfer and DBMS/Copy, and with XML arriving on the scene, it seems as
if it ought to be less important to choose between statistical software
packages on the basis of their relative abilities to read from and write to
.xls files.

Joseph Coveney

. clear

. set obs 4
obs was 0, now 4

. generate patient_id = _n

. generate is_female = mod(_n, 2)

. odbc query Tester

DataSource: Tester
Path      : A:\tester

. odbc insert, table(Patients) dsn(Tester) create

. clear

. set obs 2
obs was 0, now 2

. generate is_female = mod(_n, 2)

. generate str sex_name = "Female"

. replace sex_name = "Male" if !is_female
(1 real change made)

. odbc insert, table(Sexes) dsn(Tester) create

. clear

. set obs 2
obs was 0, now 2

. generate patient_id = _n + 4

. generate is_female = mod(_n, 2)

. odbc insert, table(Patients) dsn(Tester)

. odbc load, exec("SELECT [Patients$].patient_id AS Patient,
[Sexes$].sex_name AS Sex FROM [Patients$], [Sex
es$] WHERE [Patients$].is_female = [Sexes$].is_female") dsn(Tester) clear
. sort Patient

. list, noobs

 | Patient      Sex |
 |       1   Female |
 |       2     Male |
 |       3   Female |
 |       4     Male |
 |       5   Female |
 |       6     Male |


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