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st: help with insheeting data

From   "Alexander Nervedi" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: help with insheeting data
Date   Sun, 27 Nov 2005 21:29:43 +0000

Hi Statalist!

I am having issues with loading in data. I have a somewhat cumbersome
datatset - the data is first split into 10 domains, and within each domain,
I have data on a bunch of states in dbf format. Each state's file has two
state-cum-msa  identifiers and one 80 charecter long variable that needs to
be further split furhter according to a dictionary to get to the variables
for that state.

I can get to each of the files using

odbc load, table("statename") dns("data")

and then append them all to get one file that I can either output as a stata
file, or outsheet it.

So far so good.

The problem is that outsheeting it or even outfiling it introduces spaces in
the final file that mess up my dictionary file so that I can't read the 80
character long variable. The only way I can get it to work is by
Stat-transfering the file into *.dat format (ASCII Fixed Width + All program

Is there anyway I can export from within Stata to ASCII Fixed Width format?
This will automate the process of extracting my variables, instead of having
to manually run Stat Transfer on each time.

thank you,


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