From | Marcello Pagano <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Multiple Imputation and other Missing Data |
Date | Thu, 24 Nov 2005 07:49:44 -0500 |
Dear list,
I'm hoping that one or more of you can take a minute or two to skim through
the following several paragraphs and provide some feedback to someone
marginally familiar with statistics in general (and missing data techniques
in particular) about whether these paragraphs make any sense and whether
they provide any indication about the knowledge level of their author.
A student wrote these paragraphs in an attempt to summarize the methods he
used to conduct a longitudinal analysis purportedly employing some type of
advanced missing data technique. These paragraphs were intended for
publication on a jointly authored manuscript, and thus my desire to make
certain that they are reasonably accurate. .......
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