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Re: st: right justifying strings, left padding strings with zeros

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: right justifying strings, left padding strings with zeros
Date   Wed, 23 Feb 2005 16:41:25 +1100


Assuming your data is in a plain text file test.txt, try the following:

. insheet using test.txt
(1 var, 7 obs)

. list

     |     v1 |
  1. | B    1 |
  2. | B  120 |
  3. | CCH  7 |
  4. | CCH 23 |
  5. | CCH213 |
  6. | UW  23 |
  7. | UW 232 |

. gen alpha=substr(v1,1,3)

. list alpha

     | alpha |
  1. |   B   |
  2. |   B   |
  3. |   CCH |
  4. |   CCH |
  5. |   CCH |
  6. |   UW  |
  7. |   UW  |

. replace alpha=rtrim(alpha)
(4 real changes made)

. list alpha

     | alpha |
  1. |     B |
  2. |     B |
  3. |   CCH |
  4. |   CCH |
  5. |   CCH |
  6. |    UW |
  7. |    UW |

. gen num=substr(v1,4,6)

. list num

     | num |
  1. |   1 |
  2. | 120 |
  3. |   7 |
  4. |  23 |
  5. | 213 |
  6. |  23 |
  7. | 232 |

. replace num=subinstr(num," ","0",.)
(4 real changes made)

. list num

     | num |
  1. | 001 |
  2. | 120 |
  3. | 007 |
  4. | 023 |
  5. | 213 |
  6. | 023 |
  7. | 232 |

. gen v2=alpha+num

. list v2

     |     v2 |
  1. |   B001 |
  2. |   B120 |
  3. | CCH007 |
  4. | CCH023 |
  5. | CCH213 |
  6. |  UW023 |
  7. |  UW232 |

Kind regards,

Ian Watson
Senior Researcher
acirrt, University of Sydney
NSW, 2006, Australia

phone: 02 9351 5622
email:[email protected]

Clare L Maxwell wrote:
Hello to members of the Stata list. Thank you in advance for having a look at this.

I have a six-column subject identifier coming into Stata from an ASCII file that looks like the following:

B 1
B 120
CCH 23
UW 23
UW 232

I want to read in and manipulate these 6 columns so that in the end, I have a str6 variable that looks like this:


That is, the first three columns have been right justified and the last three columns have been left-padded with zeros. I have tried various options, but so far, not much luck. I was considering reading them in as six str1 variables and putting things together sort of by brute force, but I thought I'd ask first. Any suggestions on good string manipulations for this problem?

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,
Clare Maxwell

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