Dear All:
I have the household data that contains the following variables:
hhid: household id.
hrelhd: relation to household head: if hhrelhd=3 that indicates the
individual is considered children.
age: age
female: the gender of individual
maxage: maximum age
bromaxage: maximum age for male children.
My aim is to calculate the number of older brothers. Using the solution
suggested in FAQ, I create bromaxage as follows:
generate bromaxage=.
bysort hhid: gen bropid=_n
summarize pid
quietly forvalues i=1/`r(max)' {
generate include=1 if bropid!=`i' & hrelhd==3 & female==0
egen work=max(age*include), by(hhid)
replace bromaxage=work if bropid==`i'
drop include work
Then I use
generate olderbro=bromaxage>age if hrelhd==3;
replace olderbro=0 if olderbro==.;
*For each child, what is the number of older brothers?;
gsort hhid hrelhd -age;
by hhid: generate nolderbro=sum(olderbro==1);
replace nolderbro=0 if olderbro==0;
sort hhid hrelhd age;
However, I can't get the correct number of older brothers as shown in the
last column-nolderbro-.
How can I fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards,
Kemal Aslan
hhid hrelhd age female maxage olderchild nolderchildd
bromaxage olderbro nolderbro |
10 7 1 43 0 19 0 0 19
0 0
10 7 2 38 1 19 0 0 19
0 0
10 7 3 19 0 16 0 0 11
0 0
10 7 3 16 1 19 1 1 19
1 2
10 7 3 13 1 19 1 2 19
1 3
10 7 3 11 0 19 1 3 19
1 1
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