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st: box cox help

From   Manasi Vydyanath <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: box cox help
Date   Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:56:15 -0600

Hello -
Once again, please excuse me if this question is rather basic - I'm a stata9 user, and have a dataset (one response, two predictors) that I need to transform to normality using power transforms. I would only like to transform the independent variables, and come up with a vector of transformation coefficients to use on my variables. I'm looking to use the box-cox extension to select the appropriate transform (where you get a vector of transformation coefficients that maximizes the logarithm of the determinant of the covariance matrix for the variables being transformed.) I was somehow unable to do this with the 'boxcox' command in stata, for I kept getting a single value for the transformation coefficients...
I would really appreciate some help in this matter - the more detailed the better. :-)
I look forward to hearing from you,
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