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st: An urgent request for help :-)

From   Manasi Vydyanath <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: An urgent request for help :-)
Date   Thu, 17 Nov 2005 14:47:54 -0600

This may be a slightly basic question, but I would really appreciate a solution... I have two regression estimations which I run sequentially, and need to get a 95% confidence interval using coefficients from both these estimations in a non-linear combination. Specifically, I want to get the (delta-method estimated) 95% conf. interval for the following expression:

(B01 - B02)/(B11-B12),

where B01 is the intercept of the 1st regression, B02 is the intercept of the second equation, B11 is a predictor coefficient of the 1st equation, and B12 is a predictor coefficient of the 2nd equation.

The models I'm running are univariate regressions, but I'd appreciate a multi-variate generalization as well. My question centres around how one can store and recall estimations from previous regressions while trying to work with a non-linear combination of their coefficients.

Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you,


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