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RE: st: Standardized Response Mean. Does Stata calculate this?

From   Nick Winter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Standardized Response Mean. Does Stata calculate this?
Date   Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:13:59 -0500

Given the name (ES-II), it sounds like an effect size of some sort.

That would suggest that it is NOT the t-test from the difference of means (that is the difference divided by the standard error of the difference), but rather the difference of means divided by the standard *deviation* of the difference. That latter is derivable from the results of t-test; I don't know if anyone has packaged it.

I share Nick C's amusement, though. I suppose as long as many asterisks are attached to the relevant number, people downstream will probably be satisfied.

--Nick Winter

At 02:07 PM 11/15/2005, you wrote:

This is very intriguing as a little piece of
scientific sociology. If neither the client
nor the analyst is clear what is meant, why
not provide what seems sensible given the
problem and the data? Is anyone downstream
going to object that you provided the wrong answer?

[email protected]

Donald Spady

> I am unsure if that is what is meant by a Standardized
> Response Mean.  I hate to show my ignorance about this
> but I am flying in the dark and the person who asked me
> about it wasn't all that clear either.

Alan Neustadtl

> Isn't this simply the t-statistic from a difference of means test?  If
> so, -help ttest- should get you going.

Donald Spady

> Is there any way in Stata to calculate a Standardized
> Response Mean?  I think it is also known as ES-II. It is
> the difference between means divided by the standard
> deviation of the difference. I could find nothing about it
> using -findit-.

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Nicholas J. G. Winter 607.255.8819 t
Assistant Professor 607.255.4530 f
Department of Government [email protected] e
Cornell University w
308 White Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601

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