Thanks to Kit Baum, a revised version of an FAQ,
reflecting the joint contributions of more than
thirty Stata users, on using text editors with Stata is now at
The existence of this FAQ as one maintained unofficially
rather than as an FAQ on the StataCorp website is easy
to explain. It contains too many opinions and judgements
about other programs, some proprietary, for it to be
appropriate for StataCorp to host it.
The revision reflects an accumulation of various small
changes, most recently documenting Bill Rising's new Emacs stuff.
This is also a signal to those who contributed to the
FAQ, and indeed to anyone else, to let me have any corrections, updates
and fresh material on the topic. I have just one caveat: there
doesn't seem much point in adding contributions that say no more than
I use fooedit and think it is a great editor.
We seek rather details on how an editor can be used with Stata,
specific tips, pitfalls, etc.
[email protected]
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