Dear all,
I wrote a do-file with Stata9 for someone using 8.2. No problem, I thought, and wrote "version 8.2" in one of the first lines.
Nevertheless, the do-file did not run with Stata8.2.
Here's the command, which did not work (boxplot):
graph box aktmin, medtype(line) over(agegrp) box(1, fcolor(gs12))
This does not run, because the option fcolor doesn't exist in Stata8.2, it should be bfcolor.
So, when running
version 8.2: graph box aktmin, medtype(line) over(agegrp) box(1, fcolor(gs12))
with Stata9, I should receive a red error line telling me: option fcolor() not allowed! Anyway, Stata9 runs this line without problem.
Does anybody have an idea, why the command "version 8.2" does not work in my example?
[email protected]
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