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may be of use or interest.
[email protected]
George Stimson
> I'm new to Stata and am trying to write a simple routine that uses a
> distribution function to create a statistic.
> I thought this would be incredibly simple, but I've been unable to
> create/initialize a simple set of parameter estimates in the routine
> without putting them in a single line raw data file and reading that
> file into Stata.
> For instance I've tried:
> . gen param1=.05
> . display param1
> and that produces (at least displays) a zero value instead of .05.
> Then I tried:
> . local param1=.05
> . display param1
> but that also produces (at least displays) an incorrect result.
> I've also tried adding a format statement:
> . form param1 %4.2f
> but that didn't solve my problem.
> I expect the answer is very simple, but I just can't find it in the
> documentation.
> Thanks for any help. I really did try to figure this out
> before asking here.
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