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st: Precision

From   "Ronnie Babigumira" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Precision
Date   Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:04:56 +0100

Dear all
I have scanned some of the previous posts on this subject but I am not
making any headway.

I have text file with two variables whose contents are 16 digit numbers
of the form


I would like to import the data into stata whilst maintainig the
precision. Here is what I have done. I import the variables as strings
and that works. However, the next challenge is that they need to be used
as numeric variables (this is the hair loss part). I have tried

gen y = real(x)
destring x, gen(y)

Both dont have an option to specify the format. Trying to format the
generated variables also wont help since format y %9.11f  gives me the
dreaded red lines and blue lines

invalid %format

So my question is how can I change x from string to numeric whilst
maintaining the precision. Or even better, how best can I import this
into stata as a numeric variable without loss of precision.

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