Dear Statalisters,
I am having difficulty interpreting the output of the -cusum- command.
My results are:
Variable | Obs Pr(1) CusumL zL Pr>zL
ind_co~1 | 26270 0.3672 972.04 8.522 0.000
Variable | CusumQ zQ Pr>zQ
ind_co~1 | 1092.41 8.727 0.000
This would suggest that I have both a significant linear z-score (zL)
and a significant quadratic z-score (zQ). How is it possible that there
can be both a significant linear relationship and a significant
quadratic relationship?
If I graph this output, the cumulative sum has a u-shape (< zero running
sum) in the first decile of the x-axis variable, then has an inverted
u-shape (> zero running sum) for the remainder of the distribution. If
looked at analogously to a density, it is highly left-skewed.
Any assistance on this would be appreciated.
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