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st: reshape- large datasets

From   Jason DeBacker <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: reshape- large datasets
Date   Wed, 9 Nov 2005 20:31:22 -0600

Hi all,
I am having trouble reshaping a dataset with many variables. I am trying to reshape from wide to long. My wide dataset has 8432 variables. 337 of these variables are repeated in 25 years. So I would like to make a long dataset with 344 variables.

The error is that after listing what the j values are (the years in the dataset), Stata reports that it can't find my variables, although I can see that the variable it reports being unable to find is in the dataset in the data editor window.

Is there any limit to the stub names one can use (I'm using Stata/SE 9)? What else could be the cause of this error? Is it necessary that I list my stub names in the same order they appear when looking at the dataset? E.g. in the "help reshape" example, if I have a dataset that has the variables, from left to right, inc80 inc81 in82 ue80 ue81 ue82 is it necessary that my command reads: "rehape long inc ue, ..." and not "reshape long ue inc, ..." ?

Thanks for your help.

Jason DeBacker

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