That is very helpful indeed. Thank you so much!
On Nov 9 2005, Nick Cox wrote:
There are many ways to do this in Stata 8.
One is to generate ranks for all your
variables, and then run -correlate- on
the ranks.
foreach v of var frog toad newt gingrich {
egen rank_`v' = rank(`v')
corr rank_*
That, however, requires some care if there
are missings in some or all of the variables.
Safer is this:
egen nmiss = rmiss(frog toad newt gingrich)
foreach v of var frog toad newt gingrich {
egen rank_`v' = rank(`v') if nmiss == 0
corr rank_*
Another is to create a matrix full of
missings, and then populate it with
individual correlations. There are
various canned ways of doing that.
One is to use -makematrix- from
SSC. Another is to use -cpspear-
from SSC.
Another method is to use -pwcorrs-
from the STB.
Note that typing
. findit spearman
in Stata would have pointed you to -cpspear-
and -pwcorrs-. This is part of the standard
advice for finding stuff in the Statalist FAQ.
[email protected]
I need to calculate Spearman correlation coefficients for a
large number of
variables and get them in a single matrix . In Stata 9 this
is implemented
easily, typing the command spearman varlist. In Stata 8 the command
spearman handles two variables only, if I am not wrong. Is
there any way to
do this in Stata 8?
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If I could get my membership fee back, I'd resign from the human race.
Fred Allen (1894 - 1956)
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