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st: Tailoring stata output for specific requirements

From   "David Winter" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Tailoring stata output for specific requirements
Date   Tue, 1 Nov 2005 16:43:35 -0000

Hello Stata-Listers,

As a new Stata user with the help of yourselves I have completed my
survival analysis and now want to output the results in a specific
format.  I should be most grateful for comments.  I have looked at
-list- and -summarize- but neither seem to fit my exact requirements.

Example:  I have the following data, the variables are:

Sex : Sex of patients
Ageband : Age at treatment
OBS: Observed neoplasms
EXP: Expected neoplasms
SMR: Standardized Mortality Ratio (OBS/EXP)
PYears: Person-Time (Years) in analysis

Sex      AgeBand   OBS   EXP    SMR   PYears
MALE       0-4      5    0.25   20      6.45
MALE       5-9      1    0.3    3.33    1.4
MALE       10-14    3    0.4    7.5     2.6
FEMALE     0-4      2    0.25   8       3.25
FEMALE     5-9      6    0.75   8       1.95
FEMALE     10-14    1    0.1    10      8.25

Ideally, I should like to display the data above with meaningful labels
for the data-set and variables, a summary line for each sex and overall
and line separators as appropriate for example:


Sex of           Age at Trt   Observed   Expected    SMR   Person
Survivor                      Neoplasms  Neoplasms         Years
========         ==========   =========  =========   ===   ======

MALE               0-4           5         0.25      20      6.45
MALE               5-9           1         0.3       3.33    1.4
MALE               10-14         3         0.4       7.5     2.6
MALE (All age)                   9         0.95      9.473   10.45
FEMALE             0-4           2         0.25      8       3.25
FEMALE             5-9           6         0.75      8       1.95
FEMALE            10-14          1         0.1       10      8.25
FEMALE(All age)                  9         1.1       8.182   13.45
OVERALL                          18        2.05      8.78    23.9

The formatted data can be dumped to an ASCII text file.

I'm sure this is possible.  All suggestions gratefully received.

With best wishes


Mr David L. Winter, HNC
I.T. Manager (BCCSS Study)
Department of Public Health & Epidemiology
Room 105, Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
tel.: +44 (0)121 414 6766
fax.: +44 (0)121 414 7923

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