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st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Using -byable- and the -by- commands correctly?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Using -byable- and the -by- commands correctly?
Date   Mon, 31 Oct 2005 17:26:28 -0000

Here is a very rough sketch: 

program poissontt
	version 9
	syntax varlist(min=2 max=2), Generate(str) 
	confirm new var `generate' 
	tempvar maxprob minprob 
	quietly { 
		gen double `maxprob' = exp(`expected') 
		su `observed', meanonly 
		local max = r(max) 
		local max0 = r(max) - 1 
		forval I = 0/`max0' { 
			replace `maxprob' = 
`maxprob' * (`expected'^`I') / exp(lnfactorial(`I')) if `observed' <= `I' 
		replace `maxprob' = 1 if `observed' == 0 
		replace `maxprob' = 1e-6 if `expected' < 1e-6
		gen `minprob' = 0 
		forval I = 0/`max' {
			replace `minprob' = ///
`minprob' + ((exp(-`expected')) * (`expected'^`I')) / exp(lnfactorial(`I')) ///
			if `observed' <= `I' 

		gen `generate' = min(`maxprob', `minprob')   
		replace `generate' = 0 if `observed' == 0 & `expected' == 0  
		replace `generate' = max(2 * `generate', 1) 

[email protected] 

> A broader comment is that your approach of making this 
> byable and then looping over the data does not look 
> the best strategy to me, as calculations look as if they can 
> and should be recast as calculations on variables. 

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