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st: RE: truncating graph range

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: truncating graph range
Date   Sun, 30 Oct 2005 16:39:37 -0000

What you want is _not_ straightforward. I know no easy and also 
general way of omitting a data point from a Stata graph and also 
having it exert some offstage influence on the remainder of the graph. 

In my experience, when people think they want something like 
this using a logarithmic scale for the variable concerned is usually the 
best way forward. 

[email protected] 

Timothy Dang
> I'm making a lot of (line) plots in Stata, and mostly it's working
> great, but I've hit a snag. For a few of my data sets, there are some
> data points which are extraordinarily high. With the automatically
> scaled axis ranges, these points are visible, but all the detail of
> the rest of the data is shrunk to invisibility.
> So, I want to:
> (a) enforce a maximum for the axis, hopefully showing the lines going
> up towards some point not shown on the plot, and
> (b) add some text describing what happens at those points (I can do
> this outside Stata if needed).
> Hopefully this is straightforward and I've just missed something.
> Thanks for any pointers.

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