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st: Function for calculating a two-tailed probability statistic for a poisson distribution

From   "David Winter" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Function for calculating a two-tailed probability statistic for a poisson distribution
Date   Tue, 25 Oct 2005 18:41:16 +0100

I am undertaking some survival analysis and want to derive a two-tailed
p-value for each record in the data.  Example data:
Sex             Age group   Observed  Expected  .. Poisson(two-tailed)
MALE           0-4 years         4      0.05    ..      ?
MALE           5-9 year         10      0.025   ..      ?
FEMALE         0-4               3      0.03    ....    ?
FEMALE         5-9              12      0.025   ....    ?
I know the algebra and can do this in Fortran but in Stata?  I need it
for each record and the overall data.
Can anyone please suggest a solution, perhaps a program, that I can
enter Observed and Expected as parameters and derive a two-tailed
p-value for each record?
Thanks and Best Wishes,
Mr David L. Winter, HNC
I.T. Manager (BCCSS Study)
Department of Public Health & Epidemiology
Room 105, Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
tel.: +44 (0)121 414 6766
fax.: +44 (0)121 414 7923

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