Andrew Felton ([email protected]) writes:
> Whenever I press the sequence Control-Right
> Arrow-Shift in the command line, the text shifts to
> the right side of the screen and all the arrow keys
> are backwards. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how
> to reverse this and usually have to shut down Stata
> and reload the program, which is a bit frustrating. I
> can't find this behavior documented anywhere. Can
> anyone help me fix this?
I can't reproduce this, but I think I might have an idea what could
be causing the behavior.
Windows supports multiple languages that are right-justified, such
as Arabic. Via the Control Panel --> Regional and Language Options,
you can find a whole host of configurations to alter your Windows
installation to accommodate these particular languages. Some of the
options deal with keystroke combinations that toggle these language
settings per application.
Now, I don't typically run my computer in Arabic, so I can't point
you to an exact solution (yet) but it is my hunch that your
installation of Windows might be configured to interpret that
particular keystroke combination as "right justify" instead of the
normal "select the next word" action.
Again, I'll reiterate that this is only an educated guess. Let me
know if you discover a cause/solution.
-- Kevin
[email protected]
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