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Re: st: analysis of cumulative incidence data

From   Tim Wade <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: analysis of cumulative incidence data
Date   Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:22:15 -0400

Charlotta, if you use a the glm command and specify link(log) and
family(binomial) the resulting exponentiated coefficients for the
regression parameters will be risk ratios or cumulative incidence
ratios instead of odds ratios which might be more appropriate for your
data. I think this is the same as using binreg with the RR option. Tim

On 10/24/05, Charlotta Eriksson <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist User,
> I'm about to analyze a cohort of men regarding the cumulative incidence of
> hypertension in relation to a categorized exposure variable. Currently I'm
> considering which method that would be most suitable for calculating risk
> estimates and I turn to you for advice. I have considered the 'logistic'
> command but that merely yields Odds Ratios and not the Relative Risks I'm
> after. Then I found the 'binreg' command and was happy to see that it
> yielded the same result as my "by hand calculations" (with inclusion of the
> option rr), but when I tried to control for more than two confounding
> variables, the model could not give an answer.
> my questions:
> 1. Can the logistic regression be used in the analysis of cumulative
> incidence data? How?
> 2. If not; what command is better suited for this purpose?
> 3. Is the 'binreg' command just a sub group to 'logistic'?
> 4. How do I adjust for different variables using the 'binreg' command?
> Most great full for answers!!
> Greetings from Charlotta
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