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Re: st: String function

From   Rafal Raciborski <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: String function
Date   Sun, 23 Oct 2005 01:12:01 -0400

I did not find an earlier answer either but the below works fine.

. use comma, clear

. list

    |                        var1 |
 1. |             one, two, three |
 2. |                         one |
 3. | one, two, three three, four |
 4. |          one one, two two,  |
 5. |                     ,, one  |
 6. |                             |
 7. |                 one, two,,, |
 8. |                        ,,,, |
 9. |                       ,,.., |
10. |          ,. .. . ,, ,-, =.  |

. gen var1copy = var1
(1 missing value generated)

. gen comma = 0

. gen length = length(var1)

. summ length

   Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
     length |        10        10.8    8.534896          0         27

. local length = r(max)

. forvalues i = 1/`length' {
 2.         replace comma = comma + 1 if substr(var1,1,1)==","
 3.         replace var1 = substr(var1,2,.)
 4. }


. list

    | var1                      var1copy   comma   length |
 1. |                    one, two, three       2       15 |
 2. |                                one       0        3 |
 3. |        one, two, three three, four       3       27 |
 4. |                 one one, two two,        2       18 |
 5. |                            ,, one        2        7 |
 6. |                                          0        0 |
 7. |                        one, two,,,       4       11 |
 8. |                               ,,,,       4        4 |
 9. |                              ,,..,       3        5 |
10. |                 ,. .. . ,, ,-, =.        5       18 |


Rafal Raciborski
Graduate student
Department of Political Science
Emory University
301 Tarbutton Hall
1555 Dickey Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322
404-378-9826 (home)
[email protected]

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