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Re: st: RE: RE: obvious error?

From   Scott Cunningham <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: obvious error?
Date   Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:56:48 -0400

also didn't know this either, so thank you.  Extremely helpful. -sc
On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:54 PM, Nick Cox wrote:

Another point is that your local macros
must be in the same space as that in which your
-xi: xtreg- command is issued. One of the earliest
lessons in Stata programming is that -local- macros
are precisely named. But I've occasionally
been bitten by this in the following form:

I'm defining local macros in code
in the do-file editor and doing something
else in the Command window.

Then I forget momentarily that the local macros are
invisible to the main session.

The following experiment makes the point.


local foo "foo"

in the Do-file editor and then run the code.
This command will be echoed to the Results
window but

. di "`foo'"

will just show an empty string [a new line,
strictly] while

. mac li

will show no -foo-. That is because the code
in the do-file editor counts as a separate
program and what you just defined exists
only in its own space.

This isn't a major problem, but it's a small
test of understanding.

P.S. for those who know it, -c_local- is
a work-around. If you don't know it, you
shouldn't want to ask.

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: 18 October 2005 18:39
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: obvious error?

The best test here that you and Stata
are speaking the same language is to

. mac li

to see what Stata is holding in local
macros. If you typed, as stated here,

. local x1lsr age age2 hgc

then the local macro -x1lsr- will
hold "age age2 hgc" and it is entirely
possible that the local macro -x1-
is not defined.

But I can't see what is wrong with
your other example.

Stata is not _asking_ for last estimates.
It can't see any variable names, so is
presuming that you are asking for a replay;
but it can't oblige, as it cannot find
the last estimates from that command.

[email protected]

Scott Cunningham

This is stumping me.  Here's a sample of my code and the error I'm
getting.  I know I'm doing some obviously wrong, but it's

so obvious

that I can't see it.

. local y rp
. local x1lsr age age2 hgc
. local x3 lsr age age2 hgc i.year state*

. xi: xtreg `y' `x1', fe i(id) robust
last test not found

I get the same error even when I run the following regression:

. xi: xtreg `y' `x3', fe i(id) robust
last estimates not found

So I know it's not just the fact that I'm using the -xi- operator
without including the year dummies for the first FE

regression.  Why

is it asking me for "last estimates"?

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