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st: RE: meta.ado

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: meta.ado
Date   Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:53:17 -0400

[email protected] writes:
> I'm try to perfom a meta-analysis using the meta command : 
> meta ln_theta se(ln_theta). I've only 3 Hazard Ratios and 
> ttheir SE and 95%CI. The second table of the output reports 
> the HR (95%CI) of the individual studies (that is, it 
> displays the data set), but one of them is not correct. These 
> HR are not estimated by the meta command, since they are the 
> individual results from the literature review I want to 
> combine... I can't understand why only 2 of them are 
> displayed correctly.

It would be helpful to list the exact command you used and to 
tell us the version # of meta you used (use -which meta- to get 
the version #).  Perhaps also, list your dataset and the results
obtained from meta. 

The default output from meta from the version I have installed
does not automatically include the second table, so would not be
produced by the command you show. Furthermore, meta would not
accept se(ln_theta) as a legitimate variable name.

I suspect you are using the -ebayes- option or are actually 
concerned about the CI being different (rather than
the HR point estimate being different). The point estimate is
simply read-in then directly printed for a default meta command.

If you used -ebayes-, the reported estimates can differ from the
raw estimates.

If it is the CI, then rounding may be involved or -meta- is
using an approach for generating CI's that is not the same as 
the original paper used.


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