-outfile- seems to use the Stata code for
missing anyway.
I guess the history with -outsheet- was
that it produced files for reading into
other software for which Stata conventions
were irrelevant.
It sounds as if there should be an option
for -outsheet- to provide this. Recourse
to -tostring- may solve the problem, but
at best it is a work-around (not that I
have anything against -tostring-).
[email protected]
Joseph Coveney
> Jean-Benoit Hardouin wrote:
> how can I obtain a point (.) instead a blank in the text file
> with -outsheet- or -outfile- for a numerical variable ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> You can use -tostring- just prior to -outsheet- in order to
> create a string
> variable that contains a point whereever the numeric variable
> was missing.
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