I would like to assing to each discharge event of the same patient a number. The first discherge will be number 1, the second number 2 and so on.
This is the syntax I'm using. What's wrong with it? I don't know why local values remained unchange.
input patient diag
1 8151
1 8006
1 8153
2 8154
2 8155
3 8005
3 8155
gen lag_pat=patient[_n-1]
replace lag_pat=patient if lag_pat==.
gen ing=1
local j=1
local N=_N
forvalues i=1(1)`N'{
if (_n==`i' & patient==lag_pat) {
replace ing=`j'
local j=`j'+1
else local j=1
The result of this syntax was supposed to be:
| patient diag lag_pat ing |
1. | 1 8151 1 1 |
2. | 1 8006 1 2 |
3. | 1 8153 1 3 |
4. | 2 8154 1 1 |
5. | 2 8155 2 2 |
6. | 3 8005 2 1 |
7. | 3 8155 3 2 |
But I have obtained:
| patient diag lag_pat ing |
1. | 1 8151 1 1 |
2. | 1 8006 1 1 |
3. | 1 8153 1 1 |
4. | 2 8154 1 1 |
5. | 2 8155 2 1 |
6. | 3 8005 2 1 |
7. | 3 8155 3 1 |
Could anyboby help me?
Thanks a lot
Alejandro Allepuz Palau
Ag�ncia d'Avaluaci� de Tecnologia i Recerca M�diques
Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research
Recinte Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili
c/ Esteve Terradas, 30, Edifici Mestral, 1a planta
08023 Barcelona
Tel: 34 - 93 259 42 17
Fax: 34 - 93 259 42 01
e-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.aatrm.net
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