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RE: st: looping over observations -mata-?

From   "philippe van kerm" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: looping over observations -mata-?
Date   Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:16:17 +0200


I can't give advice about how Mata can be used for this problem, but it
looks as though you do not need that machinery and should be able to do
this without looping over observations. What about (some variation of)

gen notfather = (relation!="f")
bysort familyid (notfather): gen fatherid = subjid[1] if notfather[1]==0
replace fatherid = . if relation!="c"

gen notmother = (relation!="m")
bysort familyid (notmother): gen motherid = subjid[1] if notmother[1]==0
replace motherid = . if relation!="c"

drop notmother notfather
sort familyid subjid

Hope this helps


Dr. Philippe Van Kerm
IRISS - Integrated Research Infrastructure in 
  the Socio-Economic Sciences
BP48, L-4501 Differdange, Luxembourg
>> <<
>> <<

>st: looping over observations -mata-?
>From 	  Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]>
>To 	  [email protected]
>Subject 	  st: looping over observations -mata-?
>Date 	  Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:49:34 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear all,
>I have household data with one observation per family
>member. All House hold have one or both parents and
>anywhere from 1 to seven children. All households have
>children but no grandparents or other relatives. Here
>are a few tipical observations and relevant variables:
>. cl  familyid subjid relation
>     familyid    subjid   relation
>  1.     1001         1          f
>  2.     1001         2          m
>  3.     1001         3          c
>  4.     1001         4          c
>  5.     1002         1          m
>  6.     1002         2          c
>  7.     1002         3          c
>  8.     1003         1          m
>  9.     1003         2          f
> 10.     1003         3          c
>where for -relation-: f=father, m=mother and c=child
>I want to create two new variables which hold, for the
>children, their parent's -subjectid-  as follows:
>     familyid    subjid   relation  fatherid  motherid
>  1.     1001         1          f         .         .
>  2.     1001         2          m         .         .
>  3.     1001         3          c         1         2
>  4.     1001         4          c         1         2
>  5.     1002         1          m         .         .
>  6.     1002         2          c         .         2
>  7.     1002         3          c         .         2
>  8.     1003         1          m         .         .
>  9.     1003         2          f         .         .
> 10.     1003         3          c         2         1
>I wrote a program to do this but is very slow because
>it loops over observations. 
>I think that if I recode this using -mata- it would be
>faster, but I not sure where to begin. Any assistance
>or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
>Oklahoma City, OK

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