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Re: st: test with sampling weights

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: test with sampling weights
Date   Tue, 11 Oct 2005 09:56:21 -0500

JP Azevedo <[email protected]> want to use -test- after -svy: tabulate-:

> I'm trying to implement a t test with sampling weights using the svy:
> tabulate option.
> My understand from the help file is that it is possible to do this by using
> the svy postestimation commands. However, I've looked the help and could not
> figure out how to use those commands after svy: tabulate oneway. 
> I would like to confirm if my understand is correct and would appreciate any
> examples.

Yes, you can use the -test- command to perform tests of hypotheses between the
proportions estimated by -svy: tabulate-.  Unfortunately, the column names of
the e(b) are not standard, making this difficult.  Let's try with one of the NHANES II datasets mentioned in [SVY] manual.

. webuse nhanes2b

. svy: tabulate sex race
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata   =        31                  Number of obs      =     10351
Number of PSUs     =        62                  Population size    = 1.172e+08
                                                Design df          =        31

1=male,   | 1=white, 2=black, 3=other 
2=female  | White  Black  Other  Total
     Male | .4225  .0435  .0133  .4794
   Female | .4566   .052   .012  .5206
    Total | .8792  .0955  .0253      1
  Key:  cell proportions

    Uncorrected   chi2(2)         =    4.5159
    Design-based  F(1.93, 59.72)  =    1.2442     P = 0.2946

Suppose we want to test that the population proportion of white males is the
same as the population proportion of white females.  First, we must find out
how to identify these two proportions by looking at the column names in

. mat li e(b)

          p11        p12        p13        p21        p22        p23
y1  .42254909  .04349737  .01330376  .45660537  .05200855  .01203586

Now we can use these identifiers in our call to -test-.

. test _b[p11] = _b[p21]

Adjusted Wald test

 ( 1)  p11 - p21 = 0

       F(  1,    31) =   14.10
            Prob > F =    0.0007

This method can be very cumbersome for large tables.  In that case, I would
recommend using -svy: mean- with indicator variables that identify the cells
you want to compare or -svy: proportion- with a categorical variable.  An
example of the latter follows:

. egen cell = group(sex race), label

. svy: proportion cell
(running proportion on estimation sample)

Survey: Proportion estimation

Number of strata =      31          Number of obs    =   10351
Number of PSUs   =      62          Population size  = 1.2e+08
                                    Design df        =      31

      _prop_1: cell = Male White
      _prop_2: cell = Male Black
      _prop_3: cell = Male Other
      _prop_4: cell = Female White
      _prop_5: cell = Female Black
      _prop_6: cell = Female Other

             |             Linearized         Binomial Wald
             | Proportion   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
cell         |
     _prop_1 |   .4225491    .008073       .406084    .4390142
     _prop_2 |   .0434974   .0064771      .0302872    .0567075
     _prop_3 |   .0133038   .0065997     -.0001564     .026764
     _prop_4 |   .4566054   .0107333      .4347146    .4784962
     _prop_5 |   .0520085   .0068534       .038031    .0659861
     _prop_6 |   .0120359    .004008      .0038614    .0202103

. test _b[_prop_1] = _b[_prop_4]

Adjusted Wald test

 ( 1)  [cell]_prop_1 - [cell]_prop_4 = 0

       F(  1,    31) =   14.10
            Prob > F =    0.0007

[email protected]
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