From | Roger Newson <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Listtex: headlines and append |
Date | Sun, 09 Oct 2005 17:37:57 +0100 |
At 07:40 08/10/2005, Herve wrote:
Dear All:Thanks to Herve to alerting me about this bug in -listtex-. This bug is activated when the user specifies a -using- file or an -appendto()- file without an extension, and can be fixed by specifying a -using- or -appendto()- file with an extension, as in
I have two questions concerning -listtex- (downloadable from ssc).
I want to export two variations of a list of countries.
Question 1: Headlines
With the following command, I would like to get a column title: "sample39_absence" above the first list of countries.
listtex name using table_countries if sample39_absence==1, rstyle(tabdelim) headlines("sample39_absence") replace
I get the countries but no title.
Question 2: Append
I would like to append the second list of countries below the first one. I use the following command:
listtex name using table_countries if sample32_absence==1, rstyle(tabdelim) headlines("sample32_absence") appendto(table_countries)
I get the following error message:
file table_countries.raw already exists
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