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Re: st: Font and police in Stata 9.1

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Font and police in Stata 9.1
Date   Fri, 07 Oct 2005 10:42:14 -0700

Herve STOLOWY wrote:

I have moved recently to Stata 9 and still have difficulties with windowing and display of results. For example, the results of my regressions are often broken to the following line.

In Stata 8, I had solved the problem using, in the results window, the font police Stata 10x18.

In Stata 9.1, I don't find the same police.

Do you know a way to solve this problem (not major, I confess, but really boring in a day-to-day life)? I tried other polices (but not all of them...).
The answer I received from Stata's Kevin Crow to a related technical support question back in May was that the previously available Stata fonts were not intended to be available for version 9. (the curious observation that led to my query was that Stata fonts appeared to be available to Stata 9 when version 8 was simultaneously open, but not when the version 8 instance was closed)

(I don't know if this is all OS specific - I am under Windows XP).

The fonts available to you *are* likely system specific. I use Lucida Console 7 for the results window, and this seems to work well for my particular window width, monitor resolution and size, etc..

- Gary

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