A couple of days ago Rich Goldstein posted a note concerning values greater
than 1 when using the -predict x, ir- command following a Poisson regression.
He wondered if values over 1 were correct. I checked the output of several
of the poisson postestimation predict options and discovered that there may be
a problem with Stata's output. I used a user written program that I wrote to
double check results, but the findings could be obtained without the check.
Rich responded that the output he obtains after the use of -predict, ir-
following -poisson- is different than I get when using -poisson-. This is more
disturbing. Not only does there appear to be a possible inconsistency in
predict's output following the poisson command, it seems that predict output
differs between Rich's and my programs. I am using version 9.1, I do not know
which version Rich is using. But it should not make a difference.
Perhaps someone else has a solution to our findings, showing that there
really is no inconsistency. With Rich's OK, our correspondence is listed below.
Joe Hilbe
I looked at the problem you identified. First I checked the predict
help file for poisson postestimations. It shows the options for predict
as below. I used the cancer data set, modeled it, and employed the
predict command with the n, ir, and xb options. I also simply used the
command -predict mu-. Thereafter I list the predictions for the first 5
observations. Note that n, ir, and mu are all the same, which is incorrect.
n and ir should differ. I next modeled the same with the poisson program
I wrote to use with my short courses. I like to at least have the AIC
displayed so that I can more easily compare models. Anyhow, the stats come
correctly. The base predict command should give the linear predictor, with
inverse link providing the fitted value. This is the case of all ML
programs. Of course,
the predict command after poisson has been given different, and more
The fitted value, mu, with my program, matched the values of n, ir, and mu
the use of predict following Stata's -poisson- command. Both -xb-'s were
the same - as they should be.
My original thought about the -ir- option yielding the fitted value was
That's why you obtained values in excess of 1.0, which was to be expected.
Perhaps Stata's tech support needs to look at the Poisson postestimation
It would be helpful if someone reading this try out the model and the
predict commands to
see if their results are the same.
My output is below: Rich's final remark of this morning is below that.
Joe Hilbe
help poisson postestimation
Syntax for predict
predict [type] newvar [if] [in] [, statistic nooffset]
statistic description
n predicted number of events; the default
ir incidence rate exp(xb)
xb linear prediction
stdp standard error of the linear prediction
score first derivative of the log likelihood with respect to xb
. use cancer
. poisson time died age d2 d3, nolog irr
Poisson regression Number of obs =
LR chi2(4) = 160.82
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -188.28729 Pseudo R2 =
time | IRR Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
died | .9237044 .081715 -0.90 0.370 .7766618 1.098586
age | .9700189 .0071361 -4.14 0.000 .9561329 .9841067
d2 | 1.618461 .184698 4.22 0.000 1.294087 2.024142
d3 | 2.586837 .2674132 9.19 0.000 2.112402 3.167829
. predict cnt, n
. predict ircnt, ir
. predict mu
(option n assumed; predicted number of events)
. predict xb, xb
. l cnt ircnt mu xb in 1/5
| cnt ircnt mu xb |
1. | 7.609622 7.609622 7.609622 2.029413 |
2. | 6.737269 6.737269 6.737269 1.907655 |
3. | 8.087283 8.087283 8.087283 2.090293 |
4. | 10.00786 10.00786 10.00786 2.30337 |
5. | 8.860577 8.860577 8.860577 2.181612 |
. drop cnt ircnt mu xb
. jhpoisson time died age d2 d3, nolog irr
Poisson Regression Number of obs =
Wald chi2(4) = 154.82
Log likelihood = -188.28729 Prob > chi2 =
time | IRR Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
died | .9237044 .081715 -0.90 0.370 .7766618 1.098586
age | .9700189 .0071361 -4.14 0.000 .9561329 .9841067
d2 | 1.618461 .184698 4.22 0.000 1.294087 2.024142
d3 | 2.586837 .2674132 9.19 0.000 2.112402 3.167829
AIC Statistic = 8.054 BIC Statistic =
Deviance = 169.648 Dispersion =
LM Value = 6348.667 LM Chi2(1) =
Score test OD = 123.055 Score Chi(1) =
. predict xb, xb
. gen mu=exp(xb)
. l xb mu in 1/5
| xb mu |
1. | 2.029413 7.609622 |
2. | 1.907655 6.73727 |
3. | 2.090293 8.087282 |
4. | 2.30337 10.00786 |
5. | 2.181612 8.860576 |
NOTE: Our xb and mu results are identical. The question remains about the
values following
-predict xn, n- and -predict xir, ir-, which are the same as -mu- when I
model it with -poisson-.
Note that in my case I did NOT get the same predictions using:
predict newvar
predict newvar, ir.
When using no option, the max predicted value was just over 9. When using
ir option, the max predicted value was about 1.13.
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/