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st: RE: Plain text Messages on Statalist

From   "Thomas Speidel" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Plain text Messages on Statalist
Date   Thu, 6 Oct 2005 09:43:35 -0600

Nick, I think I have been misunderstood.  I wasn't objecting about the
requirements of Statalist.  A few months ago I had problems posting
messages to the list because my email client was unable to produce Plain
Text messages.  My messages sent to Statalist simply did not get posted.
I later found out, this was not due to the fact I was sending HTML
messages, but rather, with the fact messages were sent using the MIME
protocol.  Additionally, because my workplace uses "Outlook Web Access",
which is a webmail implementation of MS Outlook, I had no control on
these options.  In Outlook Web Access, the user cannot choose to send
plain text messages or turn the MIME protocol off.  Since many
companies/institutions are moving towards webmail implementations of
email systems, I thought other people may experience the same problems I

You are correct in saying "many people who send HTML have the facility
to send plain text ".  However, in my case I did not have that option.
I don't agree in saying that these people "should consider not posting
to Statalist". This is why I was suggesting a brief mention of this in
the FAQ.  Perhaps, we could provide suggestions to alternative methods
for those unable to post (opening a free account with an email host that
can comply with Statalist's recommendations?).

Just giving some suggestions...

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