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RE: st: marginal effects for user defined programs

From   "Steve Stillman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: marginal effects for user defined programs
Date   Wed, 5 Oct 2005 13:53:17 +1300

Hi May (and other statalisters).  I have a general question on this.  What would the mypredict program look like if we want to generalise and have be able to get the marginal effects for the predicted probability of every outcome?  

I gather we would need to pass the number of outcomes through to mypredict and then loop through the appropriate predicted probability formulas.  I thought you might be able to provide insight into how best to do this (and how to show predict that you have different possible predicted probabilities).


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of May Boggess
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 12:25 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: marginal effects for user defined programs

On Tuesday morning Paul asked about calculating marginal effects after
user written estimation commands.

Paul has made a good start by storing the estimation results and the 
name of his predict command. This is important since -mfx- uses predict:

> program define myreoprob, eclass
> reoprob wagecat inc female, i(id)
> estimates local cmd="myreoprob"
> estimates local predict="mypredict"
> end

I have made one slight change to Paul's program: I have changed the 
single quotes to double quotes.

Now we need to define the program -predict- will call:

   cap program drop mypredict
   program define mypredict
   syntax newvarlist [in] [if], [x]
   tempvar touse xb
   mark `touse'
   _predict double `xb'
   gen double `varlist'= norm([_cut1]_b[_cons]-`xb') if `touse'

With these two programs defined we can use -mfx- after -reoprob-:

  keep rep mpg for turn
  drop if rep<3
  replace rep=rep-3
  rename turn id
  rename for female
  rename mpg inc
  rename rep wagecat
  myreoprob wagecat inc female, i(id)
  mfx compute

Now, given that taking the derivates and differences is not too tricky
in the instance, I'm going to do that just so I can verify I have done
this correctly.

  keep rep mpg for turn
  drop if rep<3
  replace rep=rep-3
  rename turn id
  rename for female
  rename mpg inc
  rename rep wagecat
  reoprob wagecat inc female, i(id)

  sum inc
  local minc=r(mean)
  sum female
  local mfemale=r(mean)
  local xb (_b[inc]*`minc'+_b[female]*`mfemale')

  display "  p = " norm([_cut1]_b[_cons]-`xb')
  display "dpdinc: " normd([_cut1]_b[_cons]-`xb')*(-_b[inc])

  local xb1 (_b[inc]*`minc'+_b[female]*1)
  local xb0 (_b[inc]*`minc'+_b[female]*0)
  local p1  norm([_cut1]_b[_cons]-`xb1')
  local p0  norm([_cut1]_b[_cons]-`xb0')
  display "dpdfemale: " `p1'-`p0'

The marginal effects I calculated here "by hand" should agree with those
give by -mfx-. Of course, -mfx- has the advantage of being able to also 
give the standard errors. In version 9, one can use -nlcom- instead of
-display- in my "by hand" method to get the standard errors.

  -- May
[email protected]

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