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st: RE: Regression loop and coefficient ooutput

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Regression loop and coefficient ooutput
Date   Mon, 3 Oct 2005 16:27:27 +0100

Here is half a solution. The other half
is left as an exercise, as the information
is readily accessible in r() and _b[]. 

forval i = 2/100 { 
	qui reg var1 var`i' 
	<print selected results> 


kelly johnson

> suppose i have 100 variables (var1-var100). how can i write a 
> simple loop to 
> regress all the variables on var1, one at a time?
> specifically, i want:
> reg var1 var2
> reg var1 var3
> .
> .
> .
> reg var1 var100
> additionally, how can i display ONLY the coefficients and 
> their p-values of 
> each regression in my log file? (all i want is a list of the relevent 
> coefficients and their corresponding p-values). thank you!

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